Innovation That Matters

Phone numbers direct offline marketing to online pages


Hitchly generates a unique phone number from URLs, so users can call or text to access direct online content.

Businesses are beginning to connect offline marketing with direct online sales — we’ve already seen print magazines that let users ‘like’ products on their Facebook page. Inspired by QR code functions, Hitchly has developed a simpler approach using phone numbers generated from URLs.


Hitchly’s platform creates a unique short phone number from a complex URL that businesses feature in their physical advertising, such as billboards and TV ads. Unlike QR codes, users are not required to download an app to use Hitchly — they simply call or text the number and receive a text back containing the link to a video, app or product. Though QR codes link consumers directly to the product, some may not have or know of the functionality of the codes — advertisers can bet on the fact that most users know how to dial a number. Businesses are also able to track how often their number is used, gather data on campaign successes, and access those numbers for followup promotions.

How else can offline marketing direct consumers to make online sales?



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