Innovation That Matters

Recordable charm for kids plays back a loved one's voice

Work & Lifestyle

We’ve already seen gift tags, CD cases and even floral bouquets that can be personalised with a recording of the giver’s voice, but recently we came across an innovation that targets kids. Similar in some ways to the platforms we’ve seen enabling online bedtime stories, the Talkatoo is a cute little button recorder that saves a message from a parent or loved one for playback at any time. The Talkatoo comes as a necklace or clip-on charm for backpacks, lunchboxes or even belt loops. Adults need only press the device’s small button to record a message up to 30 seconds long; once they’re satisfied with it, a lockout switch protects the message from accidental re-recording. Over the course of the day, then, kids can replay the message as often as they like whenever they need the comfort of a loved one’s voice. The Talkatoo is priced at USD 16.99. For each one purchased online directly from the Michigan-based company behind the device, it will also donate one to Kids in Distressed Situations for children with military parents abroad. The Talkatoo is also available at Amazon and in select North American stores. Retailers in the rest of the world: time to help bring a little comfort to kids in your neck of the woods…? (Related: Remote (grand)parents read bedtime stories by web videoOnline platform for long-distance bedtime storiesNarrate-your-own storybook videos.)



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