Innovation That Matters

Online tool for sketching road accidents

Work & Lifestyle

Insurance companies, courts and lawyers all require detailed depictions of traffic accidents to successfully resolve claims for compensation. Currently in public beta, AccidentSketch is a free online tool that allows users to graphically document car accidents with ease. Using a simple drag and drop template system, recreating the circumstances of a collision using AccidentSketch is much like putting together pieces of a puzzle. First, road ‘pieces’ are added to a grid to create an accurate depiction of the road, including curves, intersections and more. Next, vehicles are placed on the road map, with specification of vehicle colours and inputting of license plate numbers optional. Final details are then added, such as bicycles, pedestrians, traffic signs, lights, arrows and braking marks. AccidentSketch also allows users to create a text report explaining the details of the accident. The finished sketch can be printed out or downloaded as a PDF file. Developed by German claim management services provider ClaimMS, AccidentSketch makes consumers’ lives easier at a time when they need it most. Insurance companies: one to partner with? (Related: Smartphone app serves as video “black box” for carsiPhone app helps State Farm users submit a claim.) Spotted by:  R. Stein



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