Innovation That Matters

Learnfully matches students to educators based on the individual learning needs | Photo source John Schaidler on Unsplash

A platform for students with learning differences


Through a comprehensive learning platform, one to one coaching, and specialised content, a startup is making a positive impact on the lives of non-traditional learners

Spotted: Learning differences, emotional obstacles, and developmental delays can present unique challenges for students. In addition to the academic difficulties they may face, these students can struggle to find support and understanding from their peers and educators. In response, startup Learnfully is on a mission to help non-traditional learners succeed.

The company’s personalised learning platform offers tailored programmes, and connects students with educators who can provide individualised support. This comes in the form of on-demand courses and one-to-one coaching, with content developed in partnership with leading educational publishers.

But what truly sets Learnfully apart is its matchmaking process that pairs each student with the right programme and educator based on their individual needs and learning style. The startup also uses data and technology to create a customised learning plan for each student.

The company’s assessment process includes human insights in combination with new technology that analyses information, responses, and measurable impressions. These inputs are then used to create the startup’s curated learning plans.

Springwise has spotted several recent innovations that tailor learning to the needs of students. These include a voice-based learning app for children with reading and writing difficulties, a language-learning app that helps migrant children navigate cultural differences, and a finger-spelling app that offers a new way to learn sign language.

Written By: Katrina Lane



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